Saturday, February 18, 2012

The National Interagency Fire Center

The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC), formerly know at the Boise Interagency Fire Center (BIFC) is a federal facility.  NIFC's purpose is to coordinate wildland fire training, strategy, communication, crews, supplies and equipment.

I think it is an amazing facility.  The folks I met there were helpful, friendly and knowledgeable.  Depending on the time of the year, anywhere from 500- 750 people are employed there.

If you want to see the blog in the order that I toured the facility, then scroll to the bottom of the blog archive (at right), go down to the Entrance Station post and work your way up.  If that doesn't matter to you, then just scroll down from here.

Remember that you can enlarge the photos by clicking on them.

Visit the NIFC website:

The Wildland Firefighters Monument

The Wildland Firefighters Monument is maintained through private efforts and funding.  The Wildland Firefighters Foundation, located just outside the NIFC grounds, helps to coordinate support for the Monument.  Visit their website for more information.

The Chainsaw Shop

The smokejumpers have their own saws which they maintain in this shop.  The shop foreman oversees maintenance and repairs and the smokejumpers help with the work.

The Smokejumpers

Up to 80 smokejumpers are stationed at NIFC during the fire season.  They  maintain, store, and in some cases, manufacture the clothing and gear they will need in this facility.  They are dispatched to fire sites around the country when needed.

The Warehouse

The Warehouse maintains firefighter training materials, individual crew  member supplies including emergency fire shelters. and supplies for the fire camp.  It also stores equipment that might be needed on a fire.  The supplies are ready to be sent to the fire site as needed.  Each box on the pallets in the last photo above contain a complete chainsaw kit, including the saw, empty fuel can, bar oil, tools, plugs and safety equipment.  There are approx. 400 chainsaws in this room.

Radio Communication is Essential

Fire crews need reliable radio communication to maintain the safety of the crews and to fight the fire effectively.  NIFC maintains over 8,000 radios at this facility.  Each box contains a complete set.  They are dispatched to the fire as needed, then returned, completely serviced and checked, reboxed and ready to send back out.  During fire season the crew here can complete that work in less than 24 hours.


Remote Automated Weather Systems (RAWS).  Fire crews depend on accurate weather to help manage a wildland fire.  These units are serviced and stored at NIFC. They are sent to a fire sites around the country by the fastest means available.